In my life as a Millennial, I have lived through three presidencies those being Bill Clinton's, George Bush Jr's., and Barrack Obama's. At the beginning of this period the world seemed to be entering an age of unparalleled peace and prosperity. The United States was the unmatched Super Power who had triumphed from a 46 year long unofficial war of attrition with the Soviet Union to create a world which it could shape at its will. Never before had a single nation had so much power as the United States had had in the early 90's. Many believed that America had ushered in an Pax Americana where the Anglosphere cultural model would expand and usher in its civil freedoms and prosperity across the globe, Francis Fukuyama's so called End of History. This of course did not come to pass as it was impossible. The wealth, prosperity and freedom seen within the United States, Great Britain, and rest of the Anglosphere countries is cultural and bound within the people and history of those nations. For numerous reasons you cannot transform Russia, Somalia, or Iraq into New Zealand. You cannot create peace by molding other nations into the United States through cultural erosion. This era of peace quickly faded into obscurity into the world and America you see today. It goes without saying that these last three presidents have been horrible and incompetent in such an aggressive way as to pull America back from its strength it had at the beginning of the 90's into a state which boarders on terminal decline.
The Man Slut President 1993-2001
To the uninitiated, Bill Clinton seems to have been a decent president who guided the country well, but was untested by the major problems which would create a great or terrible president when facing them. While Clinton did do some good in addressing rising crime and helping further the decline in violent crime initiated by the Drug War, (the so called racist system where intercity blacks are held to the same standards as whites) he would hurt America more then help it. Bill Clinton was more than any other president responsible for the rise of Globalism, Neo-Liberalism, and the decline of the American workforce. Bill Clinton signed into law and championed NAFTA, and the most favored trading partner status with the Chinese. While Reagan and Bush had begun Neo-Liberalism, Clinton put it on steroids and paved the way for the rapid deindustrialization of the Untied States which not just tears the jobs away from hard working Americans, destroys communities, and causes poverty, but makes the United States weak and a slave to the whims of the Globalist world plan. Clinton also oversaw the vast deregularization of Wall Street and banking industry an act which would enable the usury which blossomed into the finical collapse of 2008/2009, from which the world is yet to recover. Clinton also continued the Cold War insanity of the American Empire despite the absence of the Soviet Union. These Foriegn wars serve little purpose for the American people, and in fact are counter to their interests as they create blowback (9/11), strengthens the globalist economy, ruins the lives people of other nations, grows the debt of the United States, and generally makes the world unsafer. In his private life Clinton has been notoriously surrounded by immense controversy as the most corrupt president in American history. The Clinton's have been of course involved in insider trading (Cattle Future Trading Scandal), Pyramid schemes (White Water Scandal), and the destruction of incriminating files (Filegate & Email Scandal). Clinton had the Monica Lewinsky scandal, but has been involved in numerous others surrounding around his sexual escapades including the most recent one involving likely pedophilia in the Lolita Express scandal. Most shocking of these scandals, are conspiratorial in nature, the death of White House Consul Vince Foster, and the possible high treason of trading secrets to the People's Republic of China for Campaign Contributions.
Hillary brings the culmination of the last few presidencies to a crescendo, the transition from stagnation into decline unto collapse. With the passing the 1965 Immigration act the demographics of the United States have been damaged by the mass inflow of non-European immigration. This Immigration brings with it an increase in crime, social alienation, and easy victories for the Democratic party which uses the promise of welfare to bribe these immigrants into electing them. Hillary Clinton offers the most radical immigration policy in American history if not world history. What little stands in the way of Central American immigration now will be abolished and amnesity will be given away to all. The Republican party will never be able to acquire the White House ever again, and the United States will be transformed into a single party state. The Southwest will be populated with Central American migrants so fast that a urban conflict will likely develop resembling The Troubles in Northern Ireland with Mexican first and second immigrants using urban terrorism in an attempt to force the United States ceding the Southwest to Mexico. Hillary will also dump Muslims migrants all over America enabling mass rape and terrorism which is being seen in Europe.
The Legacy President 2001-2009
I doubt George Bush II was as stupid as the left wing media made him out to be, but there is little doubt in one thing, everything he has in life was given to him by the power of his father. That being said the failures of the second Bush have been spoken from the highs of the mountain tops by the Liberal media so addressing them hear is some what redundant. That being said he reigned when the economic seeds laid by Clinton blossomed in the chaos which was the so called Great Recession. His intervention in the Great Recession and tax cuts without spending cuts greatly increased the debt burden of the federal government. The greatest failure of Bush's presidency was without a doubt the Invasion of Iraq. Iraq cannot be reshaped into Canada over night, this is obvious. The threat of Iraq as the future perpetrator of a 9/11 like attack with Weapons of Mass Destruction was of course ludicrous. The fruits of the Iraq war would not come into full spring until the presidency of his successor.
The Affirmative Action President 2009-2016
Obama's young life is shrouded in mystery and has prompted the Birther conspiracy theory movement. My guess for Obama's murky past is that it revels something not as sinister as being the illegitimate child of a communist or a closet Muslim, but something embarrassing. The embarrassing fact is that Obama is essentially an Affirmative Action president propelled forward by the Chicago political machine. Obama is an incompetent and petty man whose failures are greater than his predecessors. This has been obscured by the liberal media painting him in a much more favorable light than Bush. Obama has turned the Iraq war and foreign policy he inherited from Bush into something worse than a terrible war, he has turned it into a civilizational crisis. The interventions into Iraq, Syria, and Libya have created the Migrant Crisis something which threatens to destabilize the whole of Europe. Obama is a politically correct coward who cannot even call ISIS by its name the Islamic State. He has of course continued the failed economic polices of his predecessors which benefits only the Globalist elite, and puts the immense burden of ever increasing debt upon the average American. Obama has also helped in reigniting racial disharmony by stating that the thug Treyvon Martin could have been his son. In doing so he has tarnished the Oval Office even more than Bill Clinton did by not being the President of the nation at large (at least publicly) but the president of his ethnic group. Obama is further tarnishing the presidency by campaigning against Donald Trump as a sitting president something which is outside of established norms in American politics.
Hilldawg Rising ?2016-2020/2024¿
Hilldawg is Death. Hilldawg is Chaos. Hilldawg is Decline.
Hillary brings the culmination of the last few presidencies to a crescendo, the transition from stagnation into decline unto collapse. With the passing the 1965 Immigration act the demographics of the United States have been damaged by the mass inflow of non-European immigration. This Immigration brings with it an increase in crime, social alienation, and easy victories for the Democratic party which uses the promise of welfare to bribe these immigrants into electing them. Hillary Clinton offers the most radical immigration policy in American history if not world history. What little stands in the way of Central American immigration now will be abolished and amnesity will be given away to all. The Republican party will never be able to acquire the White House ever again, and the United States will be transformed into a single party state. The Southwest will be populated with Central American migrants so fast that a urban conflict will likely develop resembling The Troubles in Northern Ireland with Mexican first and second immigrants using urban terrorism in an attempt to force the United States ceding the Southwest to Mexico. Hillary will also dump Muslims migrants all over America enabling mass rape and terrorism which is being seen in Europe.
Hillary will continue the Globalist Economics of her husband and predecessors which will strip away jobs and make America a slave to the globalist game plan. She will continue the astronomic spending of the welfare system and possibly increase it leading to higher and higher levels of debt aided by increased taxes on corporations pushing America even further right on the Laffer Curve putting the nation into a unrecoverable economic position. This position will cause a chain of events which will usher in a never ending trap leading to the defaulting of the United States Federal Governments's debt. Once the United States defaults from its debt it will become completely incapable of recovering because it will have no manufacturing base from which to base its recovery from. After all what happens to nation which is an import dependent economy when it can no longer buy those imports?
In the immediate future Hillary would fight the wars for Israel in the most haphazard way imaginable she is after all a hawk and the Neo-Cons are jumping the GOP ship for her. She has shown herself to be incredibly inept in foreign affairs as evidenced by Benghazi and the Libya in general. My guess is that once the United States enters an Economic meltdown the armed forces will be drastically cutback. This cutback will actualized as a rapid withdrawal from the immense number of overseas bases the Untied States currently has. This withdrawal will greatly destabilize East Asia, the Middle East, and Europe leading to a power vacuum.
The most important and powerful branch of the American Government is the Supreme Court. Originally, I supported Cruz over Trump due to the immense importance of Supreme Court Justice appointments as Cruz seemed more trustworthy in this department then Trump during the heat of the primaries. That point aside. If Hillary wins we have a 5/9 Liberal Court which will vote for Pozz on day one. In the next 4 to 8 years Kennedy, Ginsburg, and Breyer are likely to die leaving Hillary a 6/9 court, and conversely Trump a 7/9 court. Of Course, as I predicted above a second Clinton presidency would result in a single party state meaning that the Supreme Court would be permanently lost. With a court permanently lost to the cult of Dildotech, the social ills allowed to destroy the nation will move beyond Aberrosexuality and Abortion into the Abolition of the First and Second amendments. I believe the order of rights lost will be such: Religious Schools and Hospitals as well as Homeschooling will abolished, Followed by Tax Exemption (once Tax Exemption is revoked this will mean the Federal Government will shut down Churches at will as the IRS will be able to persecute Church Leaders just as it persecuted David Duke and the Tea Party movement), then the next will be hate speech and Holocaust Denial laws, ending with the gradual erosion of the Second Amendment.
I don't understand why RamzPaul is laughing about the possible growth of the "Alt-Right" in the above video. Doesn't he realize that a Clinton Presidency means that he will go to Prison? What use does the (((SPLC))) have other than providing a list for a purge on the day the First Amendment gets white outed from the Constitution? I could see the whole hate list of the (((SPLC))) from Don Black to Michael Matt being fined or imprisoned.
Trump the man
Sorry to pop your bubble, but Trump is not an angel or the best choice for president for social conservatives/paleo-conservatives. Trump's commitment to Social Conservatism is likely nothing less than skin deep as he has changed his party 5 times. In fact Trump once ran for president in 2000 under the Reform party. Its very likely that Trump has not converted to Conservative values, and is simply fanning them to get elected. What does this mean? Well if Trump wins the Republican Party could abandon Social Conservatism, and this is why originally I supported Cruz over and above Trump, but Trump has since stated his possible Supreme Court picks which are quite good and he seems that he will compromise here to be elected on the Republican ticket. If you look at Trump's run under the Reform party you see that Trump has not changed on a lot of issues most notably Protectionism and Immigration sanity. I think that Mr. Trump has quite wisely chosen the Republican Party to advance his goals as the Republican Party's primary was less rigged than the Democratic's Party's as well as the Republican constituency to more openness to outsiders and lied or fanned Conservatism and Christianity in order to be succeed in the party's primary.
While I doubt it it is possible that Trump is truly an egomaniac who wants to be elected simply for the glory of the White House. (This does seem unlikely as Trump has lost a great deal by running.) Which brings another downside to Trump in that his presidency has become vehicle for the increasing vulgarness of social discourse. Trump was a Reality TV star and in his speeches he talks in the manner of a Reality TV star, vulgar and blunt. Trump symbolizes the decline of the United States and resembles ironically a Latin American politician in the image he has made for himself. This image is a flamboyant tough guy who speaks in the manner of the average man. Trump does not pose himself as a man of integrity, intelligence, or of the Church but as a commodity for the lowest common denominator.
Trump is also not a good man under the standards of Catholic Church. Trump has committed adultery and bragged about it, and has used his wealth and power in order to marry women much younger than him who are models. He is unrepentant for his sins and is immensely ignorant of Christianity and lies about his faith in such a transparent matter that any Christmas and Easter Christian with an IQ above 75 can see it. He has gone bankrupt 3 times and is entangled with Trump University case. There are even allegations that he has connections with the Mob. He could have even cheated on his taxes too!!!
Trump could also be a paper tiger. People forget that he is a complete greenhorn in politics and has never held public office. He also faces something which almost any politician would perceive as a nightmare, his own party does not support him. Much of the establishment is still backbiting him now at the point when it is suicide to do so, and one can only imagine what would happen if he is incompetent upon entering office and the whole of the Republican Party abandons him leaving completely in the cold. He also faces the difficulty of running against Hillary's massive industry of financial support with the commitment not to use big business/Wallstreet campaign money. As well as picking a VP candidate who not just support the establishment in the event of assassination or impeachment. Trump still faces an electoral college biased towards Hillary, and the high possibility of voter fraud as seen in Austria. His trading polices could preemptively trigger the economic collapse discussed above as well leading to a very low approval rate which would resemble that of Boris Yeltsin.
The Last Hope
All this being said Trump is the only hope we have. He is the last thing standing in the way of America's epitaph. We have no choice, but to support him. He polices on trade, immigration, and foreign affairs will truly benefit America First. He has also punched Overton Window so hard in his stumpings that he is legitimately opening the door for public discourse to include Heresy. Jared Taylor is getting on TV again fam!!! He has crushed the Neo-Cons and pushing the remainder of the Jews into the Democratic party, and is reshaping the Republican party with a vast social movement into a party which supports American independence and Populism. Even if he does fail in the most miserable way imaginable he will hopefully leave us with two legacies one a 7/9 Supreme Court and two a wall on the boarder which cannot not be unbuilt.
Look to the Skies, and See the Trumpian Rise
Look to the Skies, and See the Trumpian Rise
- Serp Kerp
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