Sunday, September 10, 2017

Nazis, Fascists, Communists and the Political Spectrum

I seldom post on this blog, but I wanted to comment on this subject, after seeing a debate between Vox Day and Andrew Anglin as well as recent video on Fascism by Charles Coulombe. I want to cover the concept of the political spectrum, the concept of Fascism, and the Leftness of Marxist Leninism.

Left vs Right

The concept of Left Wing and Right Wing is dumb. nuff said...

Just kidding, but seriously it makes no real sense. Its defined in economic terms as Capitalism vs Socialism. If that were true every country prior to 1991 would be a radical Leftist country. Its defined as Enlightenment vs Anti-Enlightenment, but what does that even mean? Would that mean slavery is left wing? DEMS ARE THE REAL RACISTS! The best possible definition is essentially that Left is the belief in attempting to create universal human equality possible at any one point in time, and the Right is a negative definition of opposing achieving universal human equality or interchangeability  in any one area at any one time. In this definition, Right and Left is a completely arbitrary definition that can only be understood within history context. In American history then, in 1960 it was rejecting the equality of races in intellectual intelligence. In 1980, it was that women and men are different. In 2000, it was marriage having a coherent definition. Now its that citizenship as something than exists.  
Currently, then the Left in America is a force which wants to destroy any sense of American identity through the use Multinational Corporations. Any advocacy for Socialism is now de facto Right wing, because socialism if done for empowerment of one group over another is right wing, So workers solidarity is right wing because it opposes the lazy who depend upon welfare (often those who have more melanin). So Trump standing up for the workers and against multi-nationals is right wing, because right wing is a negative term which defines those who stand against the left wing at any one point in time. 

Fascism as a Historical Construct

There is no coherent definition of Fascism. The only meaningful definition is the colloquial definition which is: a holder of an opinion a self described leftist opposes. Because I have heard the following people be described as Fascists: Sun Yat-sen, Augusto Pinochet, Suharto, Ferdinand Marcos, Mohammad Rezā Pahlavi, Adolf Hitler, Margret Thatcher, Benito Mussolini, Benjamin Netanyahu, Plutarco Elías Calles, Donald Trump, Josip Broz Tito, Francisco Franco, and Hillary Clinton. In that sense its everybody and their dog, and their dog's dog. In the University system its a lump all term for any states which can be associated with Nazi Germany which existed in the 1930s/40s in Europe. The most honest and coherent definition would be a political system with a centralized single party state which has a mixed economy which leans towards socialism and is very nationalist in both ideology and practice. So by that definition the bad guys from WW2 as well as Baathists would be Fascist. Now obviously, Fascism as it now exists is an inherently pejorative term, but a nationalist single party state with a corporatism model of socialism seems to be a workable definition. 

Nazism/National Socialism 

I don't like Hitler, and I don't like German National Socialism or Nazism. We are told that it is the Platonic Form of Evil, and it was bad for sure, but it is one bad regime among many in the vast annuals of history. Something that is often forgotten though is that Historical Nazism was extremely pragmatic. They never constructed a constitution, but used the Weimar constitution in emergency powers mode the whole time. Their ideology considered Russians subhuman, and allied with the South Slavs. Hitler hated the French and admired Muslim Arabs. Their whole ideology was one of convenience, and is completely incoherent. At one point they had a heavy contingent of  Command Economists holding prominent positions, who were fucking decimated, by the way, when it became apparent that ruling the country would work better if they had support from industrial capitalists and they settled on a mixed market. Nazism is now associated with anything right wing by self proclaimed leftists, but is now integrally connected to both Pan-White Racial Nationalism.  This is all the fault of one man.


George Lincoln Rockwell created a Pan-White Racial Nationalist movement in the United States associated with Nazism for shock power. His movement was basically a parody of the American Black Civil Rights movement happening simultaneously. He was succeeded by William Luther Pierce who continued the movement through the collapse of Southern resistance to the rise of Black poltical power.  This meant that all Pan-White Racial Nationalism would become associated with this movement. This movement begin calling itself White Nationalism and is and was extremely working class. As such it grows though disaffected whites with average or slightly below average intelligence and was not really interested in its image. As such, in the popular mindset Nazism is associated with this movement, and this movement has nothing to do with it. This is a horrible thing for two reasons. 1. The real Nazis were not Pan White Nationalists at all, and were Nordicists who didn't care about the White Race and European civilization. 2. This means that the war crimes of the Nazis in the Second World War are now due to Pan White Nationalism in the normies mind. Well I don't think that its necessary to constantly distance yourself from Nazism from a broken record. Its retarded that if you think that America should remain a White majority nation that in the minds of normies that equals wantonly destroying Polish and Czech towns, and I have as much sympathies for the Nazis that I do for the Soviets. 

Italian Fascism 

The catch all term of Fascism receives its name from a group of Italians who predated the Nazis. The Italian Fascists were far different then their Nazi counterparts. The Germans were ethnic nationalists, while the Italians were Civic Nationalists who accepted Jews. Don't believe me? Then check out the American Black Shirts. True Fascism was much more grounded than its German counterpart, and talked little of Hyperboreans and Aryans, yet far less pragmatic. The Italian system had more to its ideology, being a Nationalist form of Revolutionary Socialism in the understanding of a Corporatist economic system. This was the system which the other so called Fascist parties base themselves, as it was far more thought out as an ideology. 

Francoism and the Falange 

The third prominent example of Fascism given is always Spain under Franco. While the Falange were similar to the Italian Fascists. They again were not nordicists like the Nazis but Catholic civic Nationalists, and just wanted the Jews to convert to Catholicism and be Spanish... (The historical answer to the Jewish question). It is often forgotten that the Falange were just one supporter of the cause of the Nationalist in the Civil War among many. Once Franco took power, he gradually distanced himself from the Falange, especially after their brand of Socialism failed...  (A brand of Socialism which is doubled in no true Scotsmanship, because the self declared Left likes to play lip service to socialism, and because it failed).

One thing you notice is that the Italians were the ones people ripped off and the Germans were the outliers. Secondly there are technically only 4 Fascist parties to take power without being imposed by outside powers being Italy, Germany, Greece and Romania. And Greece was an allied power in the war...
Marxism Leninism in Power

So you have a country which is an imperialist power annexing numerous states and making many others its puppet states. It aggressively tries to destroy the national identities of its minorities by promoting the culture of the ethnic majority. Its official doctrine is that only the educated elite can effectively rule a country, while simultaneously advocating for the working class. It supports traditional gender roles while claiming to empower women, and aggressively enforces anti-sodomy laws. Well that's the Soviet Union post Lenin.  Almost to a man, every Marxist Leninist nation was far to the "right" on every issue except many were Anti-religious thing.Yet almost every person you meet on the street who claims to be a commie is a fucking filthy animal. Basically Revolutionary Socialism as a movement which developed in the aftermath of the French Revolution and 1848 and is effectively dead post 1991 was a Millennialist pseudo religious idea. It's completely feels over reals. Anarchist, Left Communists, and Trotskyist essentially believe that magic will just happen and a revolution will spontaneously over take the world. There is truth to the no true Scotsman of real Communism has never been tried, and because real communism is completely impossible. While the people which are self identified leftists today were for the most part made up communists in Europe back in the day as soon as they took power none of their ideas worked. If you look at Soviet History rather closely they tried all these stupid Weimar  internationalist and free love bullshit and it failed then Stalin obliterated all that horseshit.

Also keep in mind there has always been working class guys who don't wanna deal with that stupid Capitalist bullshit. These guys had no tolerance for faggotary, and that is who Stalin supported and what almost every Communist country was like. So that means that under the meaningful definition of right vs left now Communism is right wing... And in the current historical context it is! Also once Stalin effectively industrialized Russia in lighting speed on the top of a mounds of bodies Communism became a worldwide movement for modernization and industrialization. Asian, African, and Middle Eastern communists while not nice guys don't like faggy bullshit at all.

So to reiterate Right wing can only exist in opposition to those who consider themselves to be Left. The Left is those who want to create the most possible equality or even interchangeability of peoples as possible and thus go against both the laws of nature and God.   

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Thoughts on White guys with Asian girls on the Far Right.

Image may contain: 7 people, people standing

Every once and a while I look at the blog The Half Asian Reality which is an Anti-White/Asian miscegenation blog and feel some form of disgust both at our society and for him. The blog is written by a dysfunctional Happa man who is half White American and half Hong Konger. The blog is noted for its extreme misogynistic tendencies towards Asian women, politically correct self righteous condemnation of his father's Far Right politics and the thinly veiled anger of the writer for not being full White . I have never spoken with the writer of the blog, but from reading it I think that the writer has inherited mental illness and that his problems come from this primarly and not from his racial composition. Something else worth noting is that the writer constantly says that his parent's marriage was a disaster because of the miscegenation, but the decline of marriage in the United States is so severe that his parents marriage is actually better than most current White on White marriages.

I am going to get in trouble with my friends and allies on the right here for this post, and called an IQ Nationalist, but I don't think miscegenation is Evil. I don't think it is good, because I on believe it does make a marriage less stable, but its not Evil. Furthermore I think it makes sense in the society we created (more on that later).

I live and grew up in a Red Mountain state. My mother is very racist and has a deep dislike of other races, especially of East Asians and American Indians. I have watched Godzilla movies since I was a child and when I became a teenager I became a fan of J horror and Anime. I think Asian girls are cute, no more so than White girls (no less though too). All of the Happa men I have ever met in real life are/were stable and they were the products of White male Asian females couples. The only one I ever met that was unstable was a half Japanese girl who disliked being half White because she had imbued modern identity politics and suffered from White guilt. I think that mental health problems are greatly exacerbated by environment, and I think urban multicultural society decimates mental health. This is part of Western Society where Happas live. Almost every person that is pure White that I have talked to over the internet who is from an urban multicultural city suffers from some form of mental illness or the other. Most of the people from more rural/mono cultural societies are by an unwritten rule more healthy. I mean race mixing kinda anticipates multiculturalism, but it seems multiculturalism is the problem here and the genes are the lesser one.

As far as racemixing goes I think that when you have a society like the United States it becomes almost the rational choice. If you look at miscegenation, its that personality types are more of a determiner of choice of sexual partner over and above race. So when you look at White men going for Asian girls what you notice is that they have similar personality in so far as they are both introverted and are very K type aka have few sexual partners. I don't think there really is a Asian fetishism going on as The Half Asian Reality would say as in White members of the Far Right who have some kind of complex for Asian girls, and Asian girls who have some sexual complex for White guys (for the most part). Its in fact that humans breed primarily on similar personalities ie Introversion/Extroversion and K type/R type (few vs many sexual partners) as its the the best natural predictor of compatibility. If 20% of White men are very introverted and 60% of Asian girls then you end up with a divide which favors miscegenation. The same thing will happen with R type white women being a smaller proportion with R type minorities be they Black or Hispanic. In a multicultural society you would expect there to be an incentive for the ends of personality spectrum of the dominant party to breed with the ends of the other minorities along the personality spectrum. In my personal life I have seen more introverted Latina women and American Indian women miscegenate with introverted White men and vice versa along the lines of race, gender, and personality type. In a secular society with a liberated sexuality you tend to see the K type/R type rule breeding rule to apply regardless of ideology. Very Ideologically pro sexual liberation people when they are K types act like K types. You can see with this with Introverted left wing White males go for Asian females at the same rate. Its not that the Far Right likes Asians because they aren't feminist or something its because they both are K types and are more compatible with each other. Conversely in a liberalized sexual society those who are R type even if they are far right/religious often behave like a R type regardless. Sexual mores of a society controls of the sexuality of the common man and woman, but has little effect on the introverts as they are naturally K no matter what.

*Keep in mind that IQ and K/R type are not identical even if they often over lap. There are sexual bohemians who have very high IQs and low IQ people who are very loyal.

 *I'm not endorsing miscegenation I am only stating from my understanding of Rushton's work applies to behavior patterns within Multicultural societies and can even explain miscegenation patterns within them.

*I think sexual mores determine the sexual behavior of a society far greater than most race realists believe (conversely I don't want to downsize the role of genetics as they are extremely important). Germany and Sweden are far more promiscuous than India and the Philippines despite an IQ gap of about 15 points. In fact I expect that sexual behavior is a greater predictor of societal stability and possibly even economic success when applied over decades on the macro level.

*its very possible that women during the initial stages of a relationship even if they are introverted prefer a extrovert (confident is a much better word), and then stick with one who is introverted if they are introverted. Maybe White men who are introverted can go into a extroverted mode more readily than Asian men do, and there for can attract Asian women at a higher rate.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Thoughts on what is the Alt-Right and its Crisis

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Well Trump won...

I have not written anything sense endorsing him. Now it is 2017, and the "Alt-Right" movement is falling apart. But before we get into that I want to explain my view of the "Alt-Right," and what it is exactly.

The Alt-Right is basically a term created by Richard Spencer to provide a synonym for White Nationalism with less baggage. It has since evolved into a catch all term for everything right to the mainstream positions of National Review and the Beltway. I will list out the groups that I see as part of the Alt-Right catch all.

Old-School White Nationalism

This is obviously an old movement which can trace its lineage to the aftermath of the fall of Jim Crow and the implementation of the Hart-Celler Act and the conception of America as a White Nation before those landmark changes. It is defined by its working class attitude, and because of that it has always been painted as being for dim wits and fools. Because of its more down to Earth style many of its proponents have larped dressing in Nazi garb, inventing their own religions, and the obligatory White Sheets. Other than those sheets there is no tradition of hiding one's face. Older figures which were part of this movement were of course George Lincoln Rockwell, William Luther Pierce, Harold Covington, and David Duke. Younger proponents are, of course, Andrew Anglin and Matthew Heimbach. The movement is interesting in that it is for the most part an ethnic nationalist movement with very little Logos arguments and much Pathos arguments regarding protecting one's heritage or for the love of one's people as an entity in and of themselves.

Paleo-Conservatism/Race Realism

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   This is one of the more loosely defined movements, but I would say is its defining element is the appeal to Logos over Pathos particularly in the areas of Race and IQ and Crime Statistics. For this it uses the work of renegade scientists such as Phillip Rushton, or Richard Lynn. The other common outlying theme is that many of these people were once part of the mainstream Republican establishment but were forced out as the Overton Window marched "leftward." They are often viewed by the left as the KKK with suits and ties. This is because they are often highly educated and incredibly intelligent, because of this they have a very analytical understanding which can influence very intelligent outsiders who are fine with accepting heterodox views. Due to their intellectualism they have little mass appeal because they lack the working class spirit of old school White Nationalism or a coherent identity such as Ethno-nationalism or Religious "fundamentalism." Prominent examples include Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow, Sam Francis, John Derbyshire, and arguably Richard Spencer.

  Throne and Altar Christianity 

The worldview of Traditional forms of Christianity is fundamentally incompatible with the modern world and as such it is a radical political ideology in its own right. The blogger himself identifies with the positions outlined by the worldview. It incorporates Traditional Catholicism, as well as Eastern Orthodoxy, Anglo-Catholcism and Confessional Lutherans. The worldview has very strong tendencies towards hierarchy, anti-multiculturalism, as well as Antisemitism, but as a universal religion is noticeably anti-Racialist. The most substantial defining feature of it politically is its resolute rejection of the Sexual Revolution and the destruction of the Family. A position often at odds with many members of the "Core Alt Right" and "Alt Light". Ironically in countries such as Canada, Homosexuals have become the most powerful and protected of minorities and opposition to their lifestyles is the highest desecration of their civic religion. Prominent figures influential to the "Alt Right" movement  are E. Michael Jones, (more and more) Davis Aurini,  and arguably Common Filth (even if he is a low Church protestant).


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 Once seen as a much larger movement Neo-Reactionaries have declined to a degree. It is defined by viewing the world as a deterministic natural system. It is perhaps the most intellectual and esoteric of the world views but also overwhelming pessimistic as it sees the collapse of Western Civilization and in some causes human extinction as a given. It is also very bizarre and eclectic drawing equally from Throne and Altar Christian movement's counter enlightenment (ideas which they label as the "Dark Enlightenment"), Race Realism, Anarcho Primitivism, and Technocratic Futurism. It will never have any real appeal to the mainstream because its too far out there, its so far out there that to a certain extent it becomes irrelevant to the Overton Window and outside of the Right/Left Paradigm.
Proponents include Mencius Moldbug, and Nick Land.


This is a movement while important I have very little stomach for as a Christian, so forgive me if its kinda a rough and unsympathetic summery. Basically many Millennial men feel abandoned by the modern West and particularly their ideals of masculinity and relationship with women. Rejecting the modern faggotary of the nu male and the bullshit of modern women, they attempt to become Alpha men who can control the world around them. A major website in those circles is The Return of Kings.


The so called "Alt-Lite" is movement of Civic Nationalism which supports Trump. It its values are Traditional Liberalism minus identity politics. That's it... It appeals to the lowest common denominator, the normie menace. Its main goal is getting normie millennials free of harassment from identity politics and allowing them to identify with the America they were taught in 4th grade civics class. The I have a Dream America.  As such they are dedicated to fighting SJW's, and began as a movement with Gamergate and have grown larger from there. Members include Paul Joseph Watson, Lauren Southern, Shoeonthehead, Sargon of Akkad, and Milo.

The Core Alt-Right

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The Core Alt Right or the True Alt Right is a collection of Libertarians who due to the Racial Politics of Obama era America began to take on elements of Paleo Conservatism and White Nationalism. One of the main echo chambers that lead to its creation was the Libertarian/Anarcho Capitalist YouTube community. One poster and (probable my personal favorite vlogger of all time) Ryan Faulk accepted the race realist arguments and began to post videos about Hereditarianism at the same time that he posted videos about how paying taxes sucks. What happened was a firestorm as Ryan's channel Fringeelements changed the positions of Spawktalk, Laughingman OX, Black Acid Lizard, and most famously Morrakiu. As a result the online the Anarcho-Capitalist community during Obama's second term fractured with many taking up many elements of Race realism and White Nationalism. One former libertarian blogging site in particular called the The Right Stuff took off, because of its podcast the Daily Shoah. The comedic nature of the podcast allowed its fanbase to boom and as a result many of the running gags and jokes of the show became memes in the Chan subculture of the internet. The popularity of the podcast allowed many other podcasts to take off mostly notably Fash the Nation. The "True Alt Right" uses the visuals and extremism of Traditional White Nationalism but its talking points are much more similar to the Paleo Conservatives/ Race Realists. Following Trump's victory, the True Alt-Right began to attack the so called Alt-Lite for its name recognition or at least to gain views from the controversy. In a few weeks following that many prominent members who kept their identity secret where Doxxed. 

The fate of the Alt Right

This brings the story full circle. In the past week of the writing of this article many members of the podcast The Daily Shoah have been doxxed as well as vlogger Millennial Woes. In particular the owner of the TRS website Michael Peinovich has been doxxed reveling that his wife was Jewish (a fact that I knew at least year prior to the incident). This has left the Core Alt Right future as very unsure. It has lead to the collapse of the popular meme page Counter Signal Memes for Fashy Goys, as well as the podcast Fash the Nation. Many of my friends have said the Alt-Right is finished. If you define the Alt Right as the website TRS well then sure. But I think that factors leading to White People shifting the Overton Window are a deterministic result of nature. Simply put the coming race war in the United States is baked in the cake because of racial identity politics, and TRS only served as an outlet. The outlet will just shift to other figures. I think that as long as free speech remains the same in the United States Traditional White Nationalism and Paleo Conservatism will grow as their prominent spokesmen are always liable to show their face. Maybe they will grow because there was less of a generational gap between the Millenials and the leaders of the True Alt Right, but society will force them to grow. For the Alt-Lite who knows. The Neo Reactionaries are basically a non starter because of their bizarreness (which I do love).  MRA's will always have an audience as long as young men are rejected by modern women. If God is real then the Throne and Altar's will triumph even it takes the whole time of created existence,

-Chief Inquisitor