Saturday, February 18, 2017

Thoughts on White guys with Asian girls on the Far Right.

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Every once and a while I look at the blog The Half Asian Reality which is an Anti-White/Asian miscegenation blog and feel some form of disgust both at our society and for him. The blog is written by a dysfunctional Happa man who is half White American and half Hong Konger. The blog is noted for its extreme misogynistic tendencies towards Asian women, politically correct self righteous condemnation of his father's Far Right politics and the thinly veiled anger of the writer for not being full White . I have never spoken with the writer of the blog, but from reading it I think that the writer has inherited mental illness and that his problems come from this primarly and not from his racial composition. Something else worth noting is that the writer constantly says that his parent's marriage was a disaster because of the miscegenation, but the decline of marriage in the United States is so severe that his parents marriage is actually better than most current White on White marriages.

I am going to get in trouble with my friends and allies on the right here for this post, and called an IQ Nationalist, but I don't think miscegenation is Evil. I don't think it is good, because I on believe it does make a marriage less stable, but its not Evil. Furthermore I think it makes sense in the society we created (more on that later).

I live and grew up in a Red Mountain state. My mother is very racist and has a deep dislike of other races, especially of East Asians and American Indians. I have watched Godzilla movies since I was a child and when I became a teenager I became a fan of J horror and Anime. I think Asian girls are cute, no more so than White girls (no less though too). All of the Happa men I have ever met in real life are/were stable and they were the products of White male Asian females couples. The only one I ever met that was unstable was a half Japanese girl who disliked being half White because she had imbued modern identity politics and suffered from White guilt. I think that mental health problems are greatly exacerbated by environment, and I think urban multicultural society decimates mental health. This is part of Western Society where Happas live. Almost every person that is pure White that I have talked to over the internet who is from an urban multicultural city suffers from some form of mental illness or the other. Most of the people from more rural/mono cultural societies are by an unwritten rule more healthy. I mean race mixing kinda anticipates multiculturalism, but it seems multiculturalism is the problem here and the genes are the lesser one.

As far as racemixing goes I think that when you have a society like the United States it becomes almost the rational choice. If you look at miscegenation, its that personality types are more of a determiner of choice of sexual partner over and above race. So when you look at White men going for Asian girls what you notice is that they have similar personality in so far as they are both introverted and are very K type aka have few sexual partners. I don't think there really is a Asian fetishism going on as The Half Asian Reality would say as in White members of the Far Right who have some kind of complex for Asian girls, and Asian girls who have some sexual complex for White guys (for the most part). Its in fact that humans breed primarily on similar personalities ie Introversion/Extroversion and K type/R type (few vs many sexual partners) as its the the best natural predictor of compatibility. If 20% of White men are very introverted and 60% of Asian girls then you end up with a divide which favors miscegenation. The same thing will happen with R type white women being a smaller proportion with R type minorities be they Black or Hispanic. In a multicultural society you would expect there to be an incentive for the ends of personality spectrum of the dominant party to breed with the ends of the other minorities along the personality spectrum. In my personal life I have seen more introverted Latina women and American Indian women miscegenate with introverted White men and vice versa along the lines of race, gender, and personality type. In a secular society with a liberated sexuality you tend to see the K type/R type rule breeding rule to apply regardless of ideology. Very Ideologically pro sexual liberation people when they are K types act like K types. You can see with this with Introverted left wing White males go for Asian females at the same rate. Its not that the Far Right likes Asians because they aren't feminist or something its because they both are K types and are more compatible with each other. Conversely in a liberalized sexual society those who are R type even if they are far right/religious often behave like a R type regardless. Sexual mores of a society controls of the sexuality of the common man and woman, but has little effect on the introverts as they are naturally K no matter what.

*Keep in mind that IQ and K/R type are not identical even if they often over lap. There are sexual bohemians who have very high IQs and low IQ people who are very loyal.

 *I'm not endorsing miscegenation I am only stating from my understanding of Rushton's work applies to behavior patterns within Multicultural societies and can even explain miscegenation patterns within them.

*I think sexual mores determine the sexual behavior of a society far greater than most race realists believe (conversely I don't want to downsize the role of genetics as they are extremely important). Germany and Sweden are far more promiscuous than India and the Philippines despite an IQ gap of about 15 points. In fact I expect that sexual behavior is a greater predictor of societal stability and possibly even economic success when applied over decades on the macro level.

*its very possible that women during the initial stages of a relationship even if they are introverted prefer a extrovert (confident is a much better word), and then stick with one who is introverted if they are introverted. Maybe White men who are introverted can go into a extroverted mode more readily than Asian men do, and there for can attract Asian women at a higher rate.

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