Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I have heard that Conservatives have the tendency to like or do the same things over and over again. For example they will watch the same films over and over, stay loyal to a single band for decades, or eat at the same restaurant repeatedly. I know that this is certainly true of myself as I watch David Lynch's Dune like a dozen times a year, and play hundreds of hours of Paradox interactive games. Liberals in contrast supposedly tend to be much more exploratory and constantly trying something new. Maybe this is where the meme of an old boring fuddy duddy originates. I have noticed that the more Red pilled I became my assumptions matched reality. I know that confirmation bias is a powerful drug that's entirety subjective, but it seemed lefty Serp had a higher error in his predictions then righty Serp now does. I wonder if liberals like to be surprised by always being wrong.

But anyway to the main point, being an evil, racist, Nazi SOB I find myself making an assumption and then researching the point only to be greatly surprised by the immense accuracy of that assumption. Case in point, earlier I was scrolling down the Facebook when I saw a video of a plastic wheel barrow in Africa used for transporting water. This wheel barrow is the Hippo water roller.

The Hippo water roller is a wheel barrow with a large plastic barrel of water as a wheel. The roller allows women and children in Sub Saharan Africa transporting water from rivers and lakes to their homes to carry much more water faster then they would of had carrying it the traditional way, on the head. Upon watching this video my immediate reaction was to assume that whites in the west invented this. I immediately looked the Hippo roller up on google to check, and to my non-surprise it was in fact made by whites. Two Boers in South Africa, Pettie Petzer and Johan Jonker, as a matter of fact. The comment actually made me feel guilty as if I was picking on a retard. Some commentators said "hey guess what Africans have finally invented the wheel" my assumption was even edger "hey look some whites invented the wheel for the Africans".

Besides the sobering fact that whites who come up with the simplest of ideas are doing more for Africa then Sub-Saharans are doing for themselves is the jarring nature of your own confirmation bias. Its just mind boggling. There is of course the aids to checking out your assumptions such as the cleverly named  Coincidence Detector which highlights Jewish Surnames in HTML.
Once you download that app and check out the Neo-Conservative or Trotskyist Wikipedia pages and see assumption after assumption confirmed its only nature to wonder how is the normal guy not smart enough to get this. How is the average man not able to just simply not notice what's right in front of his face? Why do Liberals masquerade as the intelligent ones when every assumption and every prediction they have ever made is wrong?

A great example of a liberal being monumentally wrong is the video of the Amazing Atheist examining the Five Proofs of the existence of God of Saint Thomas Aquinas.


The immense hubris at work here is mind boggling. The Amazing Atheist, who happens to be a high school dropout, believes that he has thoroughly debunked Saint Thomas Aquinas within a 15 minute youtube video. Anyone who has a glimmer of an understanding of Saint Thomas, Aristotle, or Scholasticism at large can see almost immediately that the Amazing Atheist has absolutely no idea of what he is talking about. He is so ignorant of the topic that he is unable to understand the fourth proof or The Argument from Degree in any detail. He simply does not even know what a Universal is. Yet he was so confident of his own intelligence that he made this video and is or at least was probably proud of it (its still hosted upon his official account and not mirrored). He did not even think to look up or read any basic introduction to Saint Thomas's work in a philosophical encyclopedia book, it seems he just free balled it.

I think it becomes clearly evident when watching this video that liberals have a low understanding of what the right actually believes and why. They have so much disdain for the right they look upon understanding it as literally below them. A good example of this is the following video by Peace House.

The presenters make immense errors upon the policies of Donald Trump which could have been easily fixed by the fifteen minutes which it takes to read the Wikipedia page of Donald Trump. Yet they make these errors because they refuse to understand the policies Trump wants because that is beneath them, the enlightened progressives. To them Trump is an evil capitalist who simply is exploiting the hatred of stupid rednecks. Nothing more, nothing less. The leftist inability to understand the right as well the narrowness of their moral compass is examined in depth in the Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt.

My hypothesis is that most outspoken liberals have average to moderately above average intelligence and gravitate towards opinions which have high prestige. The ideas which have high prestige are of course the ideas of the ruling class which in the modern Occident is the ideology of Progressive Globalism and the universal equality of all human beings. These people of middle level intelligence then out of the desire to look intelligent and fit into society become liberals. The high status that teachers in high schools and universities as well as the media and celebrities which are overwhelmingly liberal doesn't help this trend either.


Conversely, my hypothesis is that conservatives or people to the right are much more immune to peer pressure for either reason of being less intelligent or being weird/outcasts meaning they have less status to lose or are indifferent to status.    

Many of the dumb political conservatives will develop their views simply based upon common sense assumptions. For example, following 9/11, 7/7, the Rotherham pedophilia rings, the rape statistics in Sweden, the Paris Attacks, and Belgian Airport bombing  the conservative would take the simple common sense answer which is Islamic Immigration is bad mmmm K. The liberal on the other hand will see the Progressive Globalist establishment say not all Muslims and Religion of Peace TM. and will agree with the narrative in order to gain status and ignore common sense. The liberal then is able to gain some confirmation bias to confirm his absurd ideas in that the stupid heads below him disagree with him and take the common sense approach instead of the high status one. This is shown by the liberal tendency to name himself with adjectives which hold positive connotations such as Rational, Skeptical, Progressive, Freethinking, Liberal, etc. 

So it turns out that your either retarded or a weirdo who will never become genetically successful. Either that or liberals just like the surprises that being wrong all the time entails.  

An Introduction

Hey this is Serp here.

I just wanted to have a brief introduction in order to get this show on the road. I am a Traditional Catholic and Reactionary. I intend to use this blog to discuss Religion, Philosophy, Politics, Current Events, History, and Sociology from my point of view. I just wanted to define my positions as they exist in May 2016 in order for the readers to understand from where these views come from.

Issues within the Catholic Church

Obviously there is an immense ongoing crisis within the Roman Catholic Church that has emerged in the wake of Second Vatican Council and the Liturgical Reforms of Paul VI. As a Traditional Catholic laymen, my opinion is that Vatican II is a valid council and that the Novus Ordo is a valid and legal form of the Mass. Vatican II was unnecessary and  was intentionally written in a very confusing manner in order for Liberals and Modernists to read what they want into it. In the wake of the Council, under the weak leadership of Paul VI and to a lesser extent John Paul II, these liberal bishops, priests, religious, and laypeople were then able to get away with murder by using the council as a justification for introducing error, novelty, and indifference. These revolutionaries caused a major crisis by providing the laypeople with errors and a skin deep spiritual life as expressed often by Masses where liturgical abuse is rife. This has caused the laity to become largely indifferent to the destiny of their eternal souls resulting in widespread confusion, indifference and apostasy. Conversely these Liberals have fostered a subculture of gay priests which by its very nature lead to the pederasty scandals.

The Novus Ordo

My opinion on the Novus Ordo Mass is that it is inferior to the traditional Roman Rite. Despite this it is valid and totally licit. I myself attend the Novus Ordo, out of obligation. I believe that Catholics cannot pick and choose whether or not if they attend Mass on Sunday. If a Catholic does not have a traditional Mass they can attend on Sunday then they must attend the Novus Ordo. Not doing so is being a Cafeteria Catholic of the highest order and essentially rejecting the Third Commandment. It should be noted that the 1962 Missal in use by most traditionalists is in fact a stepping stone towards the Novus Ordo Missal of 1969 and is inferior to the Missal published prior to 1955.          


I am essentially neutral upon the SSPX. I am deeply sympathetic to the cause of Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society as well as Bishop Castro de Mayer and do think they were largely miss treated. Nonetheless, I am neutral for two reasons. First, because I actually hold an opinion which is more liberal then theirs regarding the new Mass and the Council which is much closer to the position held by the FSSP. Secondly, I also think that the SSPX is largely responsible for the scale and growth of Indult movement within the Church. I think that this point is largely academic now as the Society has the legally recognized right to hear confessions and conduct weddings.

The foundation of the State and its purpose

I reject the Enlightenment. I view modern western republics/democracy as essentially unworkable and the main basis behind the current crisis within western society. I think that the secularism is similarly unworkable, and that the social contract theory is a thoroughly insufficient justification of the powers of the state, and that the state ultimately gains its authority from the mandate of God. As such I see Monarchy and Aristocratic Republics as vastly superior forms of government to those which the west operatives under now. At the same time I realize that creating these forms of government is essentially impossible at this current state and time and support pragmatic means in the short term.  


This is obviously going to be one of the most controversial and the limiting of viewership on my blog. I believe that all human beings have a rational soul and should be converted to the Catholic Faith in order to have their eternal soul saved from the fires of Hell. I also believe that humans beings have a great genetic diversity which is obviously expressed in a very clear subspeciesization which are called races. As such, nature does not do equals and the races have differences in intelligence which has an immense impact upon the societies in which they exist. I think that these differences have developed over hundreds upon thousands of years, but are greatly influenced by the culture in which they exist. As such cultures which hold more relaxed morals naturally tend to lead to lower intelligence people with violent societies. Conversely, the Christian faith with its high morals naturally leads to a closer perfection of society morally which leads to a higher stock of men. Ultimately in the short term such as in a few generations genes matter a great deal more in the general quality of a society, but in the long term such as centuries and millenniums morals and religions ultimately determine the nature of a people.        

The JQ

The Jewish people are disproportionately the enemies of Christ. This is an undeniable truth, but it must always be remembered that Christ died for all mankind and that the Jews just as every people are redeemed by the Blood of Christ in the waters of Baptism.